9 Questions 29 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rajesh N V P S Kandala
What I noticed from the literature is that for automated heartbeat classification ECG segmentation is an essential pre-processing step. However, I wonder that they are fixing the same beat length...
09 September 2016 9,070 5 View
While dealing recognition problems in biomedical application such as ECG, ECG classification, how can we relate underlying physiology of bio signals with extracted features using signal processing...
09 September 2016 9,994 2 View
Dealing with classification problems, many researchers provide mean +/- std values for feature with respective classes. What actually the physical essence of those values? What exact inference we...
09 September 2016 649 1 View
Is it possible to do feature normalization with respective to class. EX: 10x10 data matrix with two class. Each class of size 5x5. Now normalize 25 features of class 1 and 25 features of class 2...
09 September 2016 1,861 5 View
My problem consists of Data matrix with size 1000x12. 12 features with 1000 examples. It is a 4 class problem.Now my question is how to perform feature normalization. I assume some ways (listed...
09 September 2016 6,915 9 View
I need to get the posterior probabilities output of trained SVM instead of the binarized output. In the latest versions of Matlab, this can be done by the following steps: SVMModel =...
05 May 2016 632 2 View
05 May 2016 9,883 1 View
In order to do some simulation work for my research, I need a database of standard all types of ECG and PCG signals. Can anyone help me in this way. Thank you.
03 March 2015 6,036 2 View
Currently, I am working on developing heartbeat classification algorithms. I need some justification about feature engineering related to ECG/ heartbeat analysis. I am dealing with the features...
01 January 1970 9,616 5 View