8 Questions 18 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rajat Chopra
I have created a Raster data-set which comprises of 50 raster comprising of Landsat 7 Images. I want to calculate the Radiance for each of Raster's present in File Database automatically, by...
03 March 2018 5,849 4 View
Hello All, I have trying to understand the potential of building rooftop extraction, i.e to understand what societal benefit it has to it attached, as Just extraction of building won't help much...
02 February 2018 6,350 4 View
Hello All, I am trying work on ESRI grids and I am trying to merge them so that I can find how much population data is in each area, but I am not able to figure out which tool to use to merge...
10 October 2014 5,115 4 View
I am new to weka and am trying to make landuse / landcover maps of a particular city through data mining, so that I can automate the process. and can make landuse / landcover maps automatically....
09 September 2014 639 8 View
Hello All , i am trying to build a tool which can be used for automatic classification of LANDSAT Imagery into different classes, could someone please suggest how to go about that
09 September 2014 5,399 15 View
I have 7 attributes such as slope, DEM, flow direction etc all are in .Tif Format.
03 March 2014 4,364 2 View
I have DEM and Landuse/Lancover Image and I want to train my neural network for flood forecasting as these images are in .tif format, how to convert these images into excel format so that data can...
01 January 2014 370 3 View
I wanted to develop a model based on neural networks and cellular automata which can help predict how well a city is expanding, and what the effects on other areas will be if development are not...
12 December 2013 9,958 9 View