9 Questions 43 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Radoslaw Jedynak
I use usually Mathematica in my scientific work. It possesses two interesting functions Series[f,{x,x0,n}] and InverseSeries[s]. The first one generates a power series expansion for a given...
08 March 2016 3,697 8 View
I am looking for “clear and nice” algorithm for blind image steganalysis. I would like to implement it for example in java. Could anybody recommend me any materials (articles, websites, etc.)...
25 November 2015 1,044 4 View
We broke together Hill-2 cipher last time. Now I have new challenge. The text is encoded by monoalphabetic cipher with unknown keyword. I have read that the main strategy is connected with...
08 May 2015 3,472 19 View
I sometimes have to solve problem related to series where coefficients are defined by recurrence relations. The easiest relation is in a such situation when I have one recurrence relation a[n]=…...
29 April 2015 3,751 3 View
I often solve mathematical problems in a few steps. I get some numerical values for example from numerical integration. Then I want to use them in the next steps of computing for example as a part...
20 April 2015 9,566 6 View
One of my task is connected with numerical calculation of the following kind of integrals NIntegrate[g[x] Exp[n f[x]],{x,a,b}] where g[x] and f[x] are given function, n=10,…,10000. I can assume...
15 April 2015 2,692 17 View
According to the following Mathematica reference http://reference.wolfram.com/language/tutorial/NIntegrateIntegrationStrategies.html#112801667 I know that “If it is known where the singularities...
15 April 2015 7,098 2 View
Some time ago I used the Wolfram Lightweight Grid Manager to set up Mathematica for parallel computing in my local network. All the computers had installed Mathematica which have been configured...
07 April 2015 5,245 1 View
I often use Mathematica software in my scientific work. Sometimes computations are very complex and spend a lot of time on standard PC (4-6 physical cores or 8-12 logical cores). I try to use...
01 April 2015 2,602 7 View