4 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from R. Carrasco Hernandez
Specifically, I want to know if I can use multiple linear regression to predict a response value 'y' from it's associated "treatment" or "group" averages in several variables. Let's say:...
05 November 2020 890 19 View
I would like to know if there is a published work studying the within-host mutation rate of a virus versus the between-hosts mutation rate, when a direct transmission event occurred between those...
14 November 2019 5,604 5 View
Let's say I want to perform the conventional matrix multiplication, so I define it as "multiply then sum the products" (i.e. "x,+") For example, for matrices A and B: if A = |a b| .........|c...
22 February 2018 6,599 3 View
To build a matrix of differences between the elements of a vector, you could simply get the vector in column form and substract its transposed (row) vector. Similarly to what you would do in...
01 January 1970 3,901 5 View