14 Questions 40 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Prasanth G. Narasimha-Shenoi
A basic introductory book on serigraphs is needed
07 August 2018 2,634 1 View
I have a set of axioms. I want to prove each axiom is independent of others. I mean an axiom is not implied by a single axiom, or a combination of axioms. I think we need examples. If so how...
02 May 2016 2,488 1 View
Let N be any integer. Can we define some graphs with vertex set as the partitions of N? If so, is there any literature is available?
29 October 2014 2,628 5 View
If A and B Are non-singular then we have determinant of (A^2-B^2)=-determinant of AB , Am I correct? If so, then the problem is If A and B are singular, how can we prove?
17 May 2014 2,534 15 View
What are the current research interests in linear algebra? Can anyone tell me specifically?
19 April 2014 717 5 View
Symmetric even graphs have these properties. For every x there exists a unique antipodal vertex. And all vertices have the same eccentricity the diameter of G.
19 March 2014 490 4 View
Can anybody tell me what the current situation in the hierarchical product of graphs is? Are there any articles on this?
17 March 2014 9,984 4 View
I want to check those metrics in which the set $R$ of real numbers is compact! Note that if that metric is induced from a norm, then R with that metric is not compact.
13 March 2014 8,292 27 View
There are unitary, self adjoint and normal operators in operator theory. Do each collection posses nice property?
12 February 2014 7,589 16 View
Suppose X be a linear space. My question is: How can we say that X is not reflexive in any norm. Reflexive means X is linearly isometric to its second dual X''
30 January 2014 4,785 9 View
Can anybody give us ideas or literature on the directed wiener index?
16 January 2014 4,315 3 View
One of my students is writing a book in latex with book class. Everything is finished, but now he wants to insert two images in jpeg format as front and back covers, I am not able to insert these.
15 January 2014 9,686 22 View
I gave my masters project on "Bilinear forms." It's a transformation from XxX and linear in both coordinates. I wanted to know what problems can be discussed in this?
24 September 2013 292 9 View
$G$ is a groupoid but not semigroup. On $G$ we can define so many binary operations. Is there any way we can show that at least two binary operations are the same?
06 February 2013 4,686 3 View