5 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Pouya Sinaian
In research, I have a set of random forests which are generated from a given set of datasets. Now I would like to calculate the description size (based on the MDL method proposed by Quinlan) of...
26 March 2013 3,577 3 View
In a research, I need to visualize each tree in random forest due to count the number of nodes included in each tree. I use R language to generate random forest but couldn't find any command to...
22 November 2012 4,611 8 View
I want to have information about the size of each tree in random forest (number of nodes) after training. I usually use WEKA but it seems it is unusable in this case.
14 November 2012 2,962 19 View
Suppose we deal with a dataset with different kind of attributes (numeric and nominal) and binary class. How can we find a unique number as the shannon entropy of this dataset (as a presentation...
29 October 2012 6,032 14 View
Since random forest includes a bunch of random decision trees, it is not clear when we say forest size, it can be : 1) number of bits it takes 2) number of decision trees included in forest 3)...
15 October 2012 4,408 3 View