3 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Peter Muryshkin
Since the rise of CI/CD and hype of the DevOps, many discussions in this domain go along the lines "which tool to use with X" or "X vs. Y." So they address operative i.e. daily needs of engineers,...
01 January 2017 6,141 0 View
If physically any system tries to find a most probable state, why does seem life to contradict this principle (mechanisms), or is there is no contradiction at all (foundations/definitions)? And...
08 August 2016 947 8 View
Given the findings and work listed below, I would like to ask the following. - What is/ or is there a the state of the art research/foundations to establish and measure semantic weight, semantic...
08 August 2016 9,613 1 View