7 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Paul Ouma
AIC and BIC are Information criteria methods used to assess model fit while penalizing the number of estimated parameters. As I understand, when performing model selection, the one with the lowest...
05 August 2016 2,418 9 View
I have two sets of data, one a proportion (y) and a continuous data (x). My interest is to fit a curve, and I was thinking of doing a non linear model. Are there any considerations when fitting...
29 June 2016 4,603 9 View
How can i Specify that i need a right tailed chi square statistic in stata? i am using 2x2 contingency table
31 March 2016 1,530 3 View
I am trying to understand the risk of malaria in Kenya and I am wondering which method could be better between modelling the incidence or parasite prevalence. Considering studies recommend...
15 March 2016 1,987 8 View
I am trying to estimate the risk of P falciparum at the community level. I am aware of what has been done globally and regionally. Are there any changes or benefits of doing this at a smaller...
17 April 2015 9,791 4 View
I am working on a research to determine the endemicity classes of different regions in a country which means that each region has to have one endemicity class. I am looking for ways of using...
02 April 2015 9,834 23 View
I am interested in knowing the number of satellite imagery bands required to successfully form a good variance covariance matrix for classification
02 April 2015 7,268 2 View