19 Questions 145 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Patricia Ryser-Welch
I am exploring generalised inverse computation and their computational complexity. Could anybody suggests the algorithms that may have been used to approximate the generalised inverse. Perhaps...
01 January 2020 4,912 2 View
Readability is the ease of understanding a text. Metrics are used to measure readability in written material. In computer science, some metrics are also used to measure the complexity of...
04 April 2016 6,161 2 View
I have studying the size of my training sets. I am wondering if there is an "ideal" size or rules that can be applied. I am thinking of a generative hyper-heuristics that aim at solving np-hard...
03 March 2016 8,336 20 View
I am trying to choose an suitable model for an online machine learning technique. I was wondering if anybody could recommend any good papers. Many thanks in advance.
01 January 2016 3,513 6 View
In an online machine learning, the learning mechanism evolves at the same time as the method solution. It is hope the learning mechanism adapts to the search. Could somebody be kind enough to...
12 December 2015 7,280 0 View
Recurrent Neural Networks have cyclic connections. I was wondering how the termination case is encoded in such networks. Thank you Patricia
03 March 2015 6,940 3 View
I often come across these four paradigms. The more I look into the literature, the more I notice they appear to have same goal (i.e. searching the algorithm space to find or improve on a solver)....
03 March 2015 2,832 2 View
To the best of my knowledge, in mathematics, a recurrence defines a recursive sequence. In computer science, an application of recursion appears to be a loop structure in a programming language...
02 February 2015 4,749 0 View
I am having some difficulties to find in a literature some establish time complexity for the ILS and TSP. Does anybody can help, please.
01 January 2015 2,234 6 View
I am looking to extend my functions with iterations and conditions. The algorithms I am thinking to generates would use both of them. I can only appreciate how challenging it can be. Has anybody...
01 January 2015 3,681 6 View
I was wondering which method you would recommend me to define the time complexity of human-readable algorithms obtained from a hyper-heuristic framework. Many thanks for your help in advance.
01 January 2015 9,101 4 View
A very interesting question is debating the differences between machine learning and pattern recognition. Now it has been mentioned data mining. I would like to know how they are related to each...
09 September 2014 8,680 9 View
I have been looking at iterated local search and memetic algorithm recently. Both algorithms have some form of perturbations and apply a local search. It appears that pattern is present in both...
08 August 2014 8,336 7 View
I am stumbled upon this technique. Could somebody be kind enough to point me in the direction of papers with the state-of-the-art. Thank you.
01 January 1970 9,971 0 View
I am interested in the role of fitness function in machine learning. I am especially interested to look if these objective functions can avoid overfitting and bias. Are you aware of any...
01 January 1970 7,941 0 View
I have noticed some deep machine learning has recently using coefficient of variation alongside some human expertise in their objective function. I am interested to understand in more details the...
01 January 1970 6,174 0 View
Supervised learning and investing on the stock market may have some similarities. It could be described as making some predictions from a set of data to predict some results with some unknown...
01 January 1970 8,010 0 View
I came across these systems. Are they all attempting to solve the algorithm selection problem?
01 January 1970 10,011 3 View
Let's imagine a generative hyper-heuristics generates very short metaheuristics. No limitation of the length of the algorithms has been given in some inductive bias. Is it really necessary to...
01 January 1970 3,298 5 View