10 Questions 63 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Othmane Touat
This research addresses the economic impact of the coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID 19) pandemic on consumers and the global economy. It provides an overview of member State responses during the...
10 September 2021 7,030 4 View
This study aims to show the importance of fossil energy producing countries resorting more to renewable energies, taking into account the economic reality of these countries, where fossil...
07 September 2021 8,410 3 View
I want to start a new research on the flows of migrants from the Middle East to Europe and I am thinking of using the gravity model to analyze it. Gravity models are frequently used in the...
29 August 2021 167 6 View
According to estimates, the air transport sector lost revenues of 273 billion dollars in 2020, and it seems that the recovery period for the air transport sector will be long in light of the...
01 January 1970 6,475 8 View
It seems that the road to recovery from the repercussions of the Corona pandemic is not fraught with roses... Prices are inflamed everywhere and everyone is feeling severe inflationary...
01 January 1970 1,316 15 View
What is the future of traditional money (coins and banknotes )... in light of the acceleration of the launch of crypto and digital currencies... and how do you see the future of cash payment?...
01 January 1970 6,435 31 View
The world after World War II was based on the concept of multilateralism in various political and economic fields. Embodiment in the growing role of international organizations. On the economic...
01 January 1970 3,794 19 View
Can the fuel station crisis in Britain be considered an inevitable result of Britain's exit from the European Union? Or as a result of current changes in the global energy market? Can the crisis...
01 January 1970 6,058 10 View
The issue of tourism development is considered one of the contemporary topics on the basis that it has proven the extent of its effective contribution to increasing the national income of any...
01 January 1970 5,384 14 View
What are the best policies to encourage partnership between the public and private sectors in the field of investment, and how can these policies be profitable for all parties?
01 January 1970 9,717 5 View