6 Questions 20 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nuno Rosa
What is the best free lab Inventory Management system (IMS) that allows you to identify exactly where you stored a specific sample in a refrigerator. Thank you in advance, Nuno
12 December 2014 4,822 5 View
Intended to use this protein to help evaluate the quality of saliva samples collected with different methods. Thank you!
10 October 2014 5,041 6 View
I recently started using NanoVue to quantify total protein in saliva samples. I have noticed that the values are always much lower than expected (about half). Does anyone have experience with...
10 October 2014 4,118 6 View
Does anyone know a way to identify the main GO Terms associated with cancer? I have a list of genes annotated with GO biological processes and wanted to filter only those annotated in biological...
04 April 2014 2,843 6 View
I have a list of organism names and I want to know the corresponding Entrez taxon IDs for each of these names. Thank you in advance!
03 March 2014 8,399 8 View
I have a list of proteins identified with IPI codes (IPI00003269.1;IPI00552546.1; IPI00792032.3; etc) and I need to convert that to UniProtKB AC. What is the best way to accomplish that?
10 October 2013 6,020 14 View