8 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nishit Sangomla
Rotomole cleaning is employed in refineries for pipe cleaning, more information regarding the same is cited.
05 May 2016 2,323 1 View
There are three major hurdles in producing biodiesel from waste vegetable oil 1)The logistics part, collection of waste oil - Worked out a plan 2)The reaction part, traditional esterification uses...
10 October 2015 1,057 3 View
The fluid should not be water and should be cheap. Basically it should gain and dissipate heat with great efficiency i.e. Cp value should be high and K value low.
02 February 2014 7,107 24 View
It can be a synthetic membrane or any other thing. The basic property desired of it is it should allow free flow of gasses but not any other components.
03 March 2013 691 0 View
Design a heat exchanger that can convey heat from a hot water source (H) to two cold water sinks (C1 and C2) by the use of a third transfer fluid (T). Thermal fluid T should transfer heat from H...
02 February 2013 7,817 1 View
I am trying to convert chromium into a harmless material for making waste containing chromium suitable for direct disposal.
01 January 2013 6,559 12 View
Chromium occurs in the environment primarily in two valence states, trivalent chromium (Cr III) and hexavalent chromium (Cr VI). Exposure may occur from natural or industrial sources of chromium....
01 January 2013 1,697 20 View
I am interested in extracting oil from algae but before starting would like to have a basic information about algae their growth and specific requirements particular to a species.
01 January 2013 4,894 4 View