5 Questions 20 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Neil Krohn
Especially in the realm of psychiatric assessment and treatment, reductionistic methods are often unable to accurately and consistently identify the etiology of a disorder. Does the answer to this...
04 April 2014 7,527 6 View
Do we have evidence that genetic loadings for anxiety are high? Are biochemical pathways for activation of the SNS the primary mechanism by which anxiety is expressed?
07 July 2013 3,471 8 View
The corollary to this question is: Why do many individuals who experience psychological stress elect NOT to engage in substance use/abuse?
06 June 2013 1,509 7 View
Is empiricism the answer? How does the researcher's personal subjectivity interact with scientific investigations?
06 June 2013 3,363 53 View
Advances in technology have made it possible to conduct psychotherapy at a distance. Is virtual psychotherapy (telephonic, email, social media alone, or also including a visual link, eg, Skype)...
02 February 2013 467 9 View