5 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Neha Gautam
Dear, I have an issue with MobileNet v1 From the architecture table of the first MobileNet paper, a depthwise convolution with stride 2 and an input of 7x7x1024 is followed by a pointwise...
04 June 2021 8,936 3 View
I have an idea of 1. RNN Embedding 2. RNN with pack padded sequence 3. FastTest 4. Bi-LSTM 5. CNN 6. CNN-LSTM 7. BERT Transformer these models. I am looking model apart form these.
11 October 2020 8,295 7 View
Hi, I am pursuing PhD and my area of work is pattern recognition by machine learning. I have covered all supervised and unsupervised learning (deep learning) during my Ph.D because of my topic. I...
01 January 1970 340 8 View
Does Hindawi considered a prestigious publishing house??? I have submitted my article to the "Computational intelligence and Neuroscience" journal under Hindawi publisher. Does it worth...
01 January 1970 6,623 6 View
Hi, What are the requirements for a PostDoc? I do have some SCI and Scopus articles but SCI articles do not belong to my thesis. It related to some other topics but the area is the same as my...
01 January 1970 3,558 0 View