11 Questions 43 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Neelofar Mirza
Hello, I have few peptides which I want to get sequenced. Can anyone suggest where I can get that done in India, any non-commercial and commercial organization, I am low on budget.
06 June 2016 1,651 3 View
I have RNASeq data, without replicates. Has anyone used the ISoDE method for analysis? Here's the reference of the paper S. Al Seesi and Y.T. Tiagueu and A. Zelikovsky and I.I. Mandoiu,...
03 March 2016 6,385 9 View
1.If I have all the four species/samples with me i.e. dsDNA, ssDNA, dsRNA and ssRNA, how can I identify and distinguish one from the other? (using spectrophotometer and running them on gel) 2. If...
09 September 2012 5,277 10 View
What is the role of "acidified phenol" present in the monophasic solution used in single step isolation of RNA?
09 September 2012 9,156 3 View
Can anyone help explain these terms? What are the exact definitions for gene copy number and gene isoforms?
07 July 2012 5,187 5 View
I have digested my gDNA with five different restriction enzymes (RE) and have done southern hybridization to find out the copy number of my gene. Each lane (i.e. each RE) gives a different number...
07 July 2012 6,503 6 View
I have expression analysis data of 7 genes of two different genotypes and of 24 different tissues, can any one tell me about 1. Independent component analysis (ICA) & Principal component...
07 July 2012 1,110 6 View
I have calculated the relative expression (fold expression) of my genes using the delta Ct method (Applied Biosystems). Now, I intend to do statistical analysis (3 factorial CRD) of my data. For...
07 July 2012 8,271 22 View
I am not an agriculturist so can anyone help me understand the role of flag leaf, in spike/ panicle development, grain filling, mechanism of movement of nutrients from flag to the spike/...
06 June 2012 9,289 12 View
(while using "Nanodrop") for quantification of cDNA, one should quantify it as double-stranded DNA or single-stranded DNA?? I am using Fermentas kit for first standsynthesis of cDNA from total RNA...
01 January 2012 9,758 7 View
while using "Nanodrop" for quantification of cDNA, one should quantify it as double-stranded DNA or single-stranded DNA?? I am using Fermentas kit for first standsynthesis of cDNA from total RNA...
12 December 2011 9,157 31 View