10 Questions 31 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Naveen Sathyan
These creatures were found attached to leaves of mango tree. This is the first time I am seeing these. Can anyone identify them?
19 February 2014 9,757 17 View
Why is it that many bacterial strains become more virulent, have reduced lag phase and increased exponential growth rate when exposed to reduced gravity as in space stations? Does it have an...
29 November 2013 4,100 2 View
I am using 10 microlitre of test sample, 10 microlitre of microbial suspension (in hepes, adjusted to 1000 bacterial cells), and 80 microlitre of MH broth in a 96 well microtitre plate. Reading of...
04 November 2013 3,747 4 View
We are all aware of the evils of pollution and its impact on ecology. Among all the destruction it causes, is there any chance that it may actually lead to evolution of some species? Are there any...
16 October 2013 2,885 32 View
Over-exploitation of fishery resources mainly in the marine sector is a social, economical and environmental curse. What steps need to be taken to ensure sustainability of fishery resources and to...
15 October 2013 8,373 9 View
I want to send a few of my peptide samples for MALDI-TOF analysis. I would like to know how much of protein is required for MALDI analysis? Will it be safe to send the cut pieces of SDS-PAGE...
12 October 2013 4,200 5 View
I got a few colonies of this particular organism as contamination on my LB agar plates stored at 4 degrees C. Please see the attached image of colonies. I have never seen this type of colonies...
11 October 2013 5,041 9 View
I carry out ligation reaction at 22 deg C for one to two hours using T4 DNA ligase and then directly use the reaction mix for transforming DH5 alpha cells. I would like to know if inactivating T4...
10 October 2013 1,900 16 View
Corals and sponges are considered to be gold mine for secondary metabolites. In our hunt for novel bio-active natural compounds are we not destroying corals and sponges? For purifying one gram of...
03 October 2013 9,931 3 View
In your opinion, which is the biggest hurdle that might impede the development of AMPs as commercial therapeutic agents? How to overcome it?
22 September 2013 5,474 3 View