6 Questions 18 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nana Cne
Hi, I have an M/G/1/K system, my purpose is to calculate or estimate the blocking probability in the queue, using one of the existing formulas, but I wonder what are the optimal values of the...
11 November 2015 9,709 4 View
Please I need a help in emergency, I would like to ask if anyone has a benchmark, or workload data on Grid/Cloud or Peer to peer systems, or any client/server applications, to provide me with...
05 May 2015 3,857 5 View
Is there any available works on cloud resource discovery that use an hybrid architecture, specially master-slave or super-peer architectures? I mean, is this a feasible idea since the network...
01 January 2015 8,886 3 View
We suppose have a multi objective problem, with two objectives subject to minimized, F=MIN(Sum(w1*F1, w2*F2)). If I want to resolve this problem with neural network NN, the size of the input layer...
05 May 2014 2,694 4 View
I've created two neural networks for prediction purposes. The first is a network with one hidden layer and the second has two hidden layers. I use the cross validation techniques and the training...
01 January 2013 1,087 44 View
I have data input for a neural network with one output, the data range between 0 and X, I do not know the exact value of X because it changes with a time, I mean may be at a time t the max value...
12 December 2012 2,854 14 View