4 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nadeen Hassan
Hello, I am wondering about the possibility of exporting data from SimaPro to GaBi and back again. Does the database used in SimaPro have to be the same as what's available in GaBi?? Thanks in...
27 August 2021 4,106 3 View
I am looking for a formula to calculate specific temperature drop in duct based on airflow, knowing the specific power loss, airflow, thermal properties of the duct, and air temperatures. The goal...
28 October 2020 4,264 5 View
is it possible to calculate the return air temperature in the system if no heat gains and losses are taken into account (except for temperature rise due to the fan) knowing the supply air...
20 October 2020 7,146 7 View
If I want to calculate the energy use of an AHU fan, knowing the maximum airflow, fan efficiency, and static pressure, what would be the most accurate way? Thanks!
15 November 2019 2,152 3 View