5 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Muthumanickam Venkatachalam
As we know that the Law of Newton's Gravitation, gravitational force depends on the masses of interacting particles but not on their energies. And we also know photons are massless, chargeless,...
13 April 2021 8,055 12 View
Since It possesses the force fields(electric and magnetic), It should be either attracted or repelled to an external force field. But It does do nothing in reality. Why?How?
25 March 2021 1,980 4 View
The unit of its probability density is L^(-n) n is the no. of axes. If a wave function's[psi(x, y, z)] probability density has an unit of L^(-3), then naturally psi(x, y, z) also should possess...
23 March 2021 6,219 3 View
We see dark black fringes in the case of destructive interference of the coherant waves. A darl fringe represents either emitted or reflected energy. Since energy can be neither created nor...
01 January 1970 5,393 3 View
According to Physics language, weight of an object with mass "m" is actually the force experienced by it under gravitional pull by another object(for us, Earth). My mass is approximately around...
01 January 1970 7,670 7 View