17 Questions 80 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Muneeb Faiq
What would land a neuroscience paper in Nature Neuroscience? What is the minimum a paper should have to pass the editorial scrutiny in Nature Neuroscience or the journals around the same cadre?...
02 January 2021 1,707 2 View
What are the essentials of a great, accurate, precise and perfect figure for a high impact neuroscience journal?
12 April 2020 9,928 0 View
Most of the papers in the field of neuro-imaging report some of the results in context to bregma. Does it just have anatomical reason or there is more to it?
12 April 2020 2,173 0 View
What are the histological and physiologically relevant differences between mouse and human brain with respect to the CSF Flow !
05 January 2020 5,345 3 View
What does it actually mean to exist? How is it different from non-existence? How can we be sure if something exists or does not exist? I have made a case that these questions are more fundamental...
26 May 2019 9,194 7 View
Are there differences between Normal tension glaucoma and Optic neuropathy. If yes what are they?
12 December 2018 4,166 6 View
Does "Sense of Humor" play any role in health and disease?
12 August 2018 8,838 5 View
What are the best tips for success in a scientific career?
06 June 2018 538 10 View
It is a conundrum. Why should meylin be produced by oligodendrocytes or schwwan calls rather than neurons themselves. It seems that Myelin is indispensible to neuronal function and should be the...
31 May 2018 4,511 3 View
Delyemination is the death of oligodendrocytes/schwann cell and not neurons per se; The why do we refer to neurodegeneration/neuropathy and neuronal loss?
31 May 2018 7,347 2 View
Why is a Proof to Fermat's Last Theorem so Important? I have been observing an obsession in mathematicians. logicians and number theorists with providing a "Proof for Fermat's Last Theorem". Many...
25 May 2018 9,263 4 View
What I mean to ask is that why should the nerve conduction jump in the first place in presence of myelin. It seems to be a conundrum as conduction needs a conduction and myelin is, in effect, an...
25 May 2018 2,532 6 View
In a situation where a myelinated neuron (at any location in the nervous system) gets demyelinated, what are the changes that occur in the neuron. May be there are three phasic changes....
24 May 2018 1,545 8 View
Lamina Cribrosa is a tough membrane (actually a continuum of the sclera at the site of exit of optic nerve from the eye). Sclera is perforated here so that the nerve fibers assembling into the...
23 May 2018 3,637 7 View
Should ophthalmologists consider treatment options beyond intraocular pressure ? What will these options be? There is normotensive glaucoma also; what should the approach be in those cases?
19 May 2018 8,090 5 View
I need to start a discussion about how is happiness related to health. I think we can discuss all the aspects (scientific, philosophical, religious, spiritual, economic, social) of this topic...
01 January 1970 9,651 7 View
It appears that glaucoma is complex and elusive disorder. It will be worthwhile to enlist and enumerate all the mysteries of the disease and all the theories that have been put forth till date....
01 January 1970 7,628 13 View