19 Questions 102 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mudar Ahmed Abdulsattar
Is there any one can provide me with Thomson-Reuters 2017 list of journals impact factors? This list should be available at June 2018. This list is important so that one can choose to publish in...
06 June 2018 5,606 3 View
Any one can provide me with Thomson-Reuters 2016 list of journals impact factors. This list should be available at June 2017. This list is important so that one can choose to publish in...
05 May 2017 6,063 7 View
Please provide me with a list of Thomson-Reuters 2015 journals impact factors. This list should be available at June 2016.
06 June 2016 4,976 9 View
I have a list of 2014 Thomson Reuters journals impact factors. Where I can find a list of 2015 Thomson Reuters journals impact factors?
03 March 2016 2,957 24 View
Every gas sensor has an optimum temperature to work at. Some sensors work at room temperature others at elevated temperatures that reach for example 400 degree centigrade. My question: is there...
02 February 2016 1,075 3 View
RG score includes publications, questions, answers and followers. Dropping questions, answers and followers scores will give the correct capabilities of the researcher to publish in prestige journals.
01 January 2016 2,146 14 View
This is my second published article that has an impact factor (the journal is nanomaterials and nanotechnology) but ResearchGate does not list the journal in its journal database. Please, add the...
05 May 2015 1,039 0 View
For a molecule of high number of heavy atoms (around 100 Germanium like atoms) what is the appropriate basis set that can sustain reasonable accuracy in comparison with experiment and reasonable...
10 October 2014 10,086 15 View
DFT methods are numerous such as LSDA, PBE, BLYP, B3LY etc. How can we choose between them in a particular calculation?
10 October 2014 6,152 4 View
NMR spectroscopy is widely used to determine the structure of molecules. Can NMR be used to determine the size of nano particles? Do its spectral lines vary with the size of a nano particle?
08 August 2014 7,905 9 View
Is it possible to use the variation or the movement of IR or Raman spectral lines to determine nanomaterial particle size? Has anyone performed this task experimentally?
08 August 2014 6,326 8 View
X-ray structure factors can be calculated from the electronic charge distribution produced from molecular or solid state ab initio quantum mechanical program. Is there any such free software?
08 August 2014 4,756 2 View
Execution time is between one or two months using i7 processor with four cores for a Gaussian 09 job that contains more than 50 heavy atoms. Is there any way to reduce this time? And how much the...
07 July 2014 5,620 6 View
As an example, a molecular orbital calculation job takes one day (24 hours) on an i7 four core personal computer, what is the time it takes on a specific supercomputer?
07 July 2014 2,531 9 View
"Diamondoids are the molecular building blocks of nanomaterials", this statement is frequently found in many published articles. The examples that are given are usually material of diamond or zinc...
07 July 2014 8,565 4 View
In Gaussian 09 program part of the output is the Mulliken atomic charges. These charges change rapidly depending on the kind of basis we use. As an example, in GeSiH6 molecule the Ge and Si get...
07 July 2014 5,398 22 View
Some journals (like computational materials science) have impact factors according to the web of knowledge but they are not given their impact in RG. Why?
06 June 2014 9,799 2 View
Ab initio calculations takes a very long time and resources. Is there anyone who can advise me on the best computer to be used in performing such tasks?
01 January 2014 3,571 8 View
A diamondoid, in the context of building materials for nanotechnology components, most generally refers to structures that resemble diamond in a broad sense: namely, strong, stiff structures...
09 September 2013 4,682 2 View