19 Questions 45 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohammed Reda Zaki
Good day! Does anybody know a company providing on-demand platinum machining service? Thank you in advance for your help! Kind regards, Reda
02 February 2019 2,226 3 View
It has been confirmed early in the nineties that adding oxides of empty d-orbital cations (like TiO2, Nb2O5, WO3...) improves the non-linear optical response (namely third order non linear...
04 April 2016 4,497 2 View
Hello!Let's imagine a glass network (silica-based for instance) and some crystalline nanosized (< 5nm) particles are statistically distributed through this network. Indeed, by means of Raman...
03 March 2016 2,130 8 View
As the question title suggests, could you please let me know if there is a company that fabricates laboratory-scale twin-roller quenching devices? Thank you in advance! Kind regards,
12 December 2014 9,540 1 View
Hello! I am looking for a journal that allows to publish short reviews and commentaries, opinions and hypotheses discussing glass and ceramic research advances. To my knowledge, in the field of...
07 July 2014 6,888 2 View
As the question title suggests, I am wondering about the peculiarities of DTA curve of glasses (and particularly inorganic glasses) that require fast quenching rates, e.g. TeO2 glass. More...
06 June 2014 1,233 8 View
To be more clear, does the glass transition peak differ considerably between a pure glass and a glass with a negligible amount of crystallinity? Glass and crystals having the same chemical...
06 June 2014 1,581 8 View
As the question's title suggests, what is the approximate cooling rate of a standard laboratory furnace once shut off, i.e. allowed to cool to room temperature.
05 May 2014 5,864 18 View
I am trying to synthesize a crystalline inorganic compound with a very low tendency of devitrification. A posteriori, XRD patterns reveal the presence of a non-negligible amount of amorphous...
05 May 2014 2,929 15 View
To be more clear, what are the key elements to explain XRD pattern change when performing a High-temperature XRD? Please see the attached file (High-temperature XRD profiles of K2Te4O9 glass),...
05 May 2014 3,840 27 View
In other words, what significant structural informations could be obtained by means of SEM study on unstable glasses, such as pure TeO2 glass (which has a high tendency to devitrification)?
04 April 2014 9,270 4 View
To be more clear, how can you explain that the Raman spectrum of a bulk glass sample features some other variations than that of the powder of the same bulk glass?
04 April 2014 3,955 16 View
As the name suggests, mixed-valence/oxidation state inorganic compounds contain mixed valent elements. For instance, the both oxidation states of Tellurium atoms (IV and VI) have been found...
04 April 2014 7,613 3 View
To be more clear, is there any specific procedure permitting rapid quenching of pure Tellurium dioxide (conditional glass former) melts in liquid Nitrogen?
03 March 2014 8,972 11 View
To be more clear, is there any specific automated device that can be used to quench melts with ultra-high speed from the furnace? And if so, is it available in the industry?
03 March 2014 4,455 2 View
In Alkali tellurite glasses, the glass forming tendency varies in terms of the material composition. In other words, compositions with a low content of the modifier (Alkali oxide) are more...
03 March 2014 1,994 2 View
To be more clear, what makes "conventional" crucibles more/less interesting than boats? What are the promoted phenomenons by each type of crucibles?
02 February 2014 1,343 1 View
Actually, I am studying alkali tellurites (both glasses and crystalline phases). In fact, the glass forming ability depends on the amount of modifier oxide in the tellurite network. Thus, I am...
02 February 2014 9,534 4 View
In other words, what are the crucial techniques and skills that can be used to enhance the field of materials science research and to bring a brand new vision?
02 February 2014 854 10 View