4 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohammed Asseel
Can economic growth occur in the short term? If the answer is no, what is the reason behind economic growth not occurring in the short term and occurring only in the long term?
25 August 2023 6,881 34 View
Why is Keynesian theory not considered as a theory of economic growth? Although it simply suggests that income, which Keynesian theory assumes equals output, can be changed by increasing effective...
19 January 2023 9,223 85 View
I ran the ARDL approach on E-Views 9, and it turns out that the independent variable has a small coefficient, but it appears as zero in the long-term equation as shown in the table, despite having...
24 December 2022 7,631 5 View
Using E-Views 9, I ran the ARDL test, resulting in an R-Squared value in the initial ARDL model output and an R-Squared value under the Bounds test. so, what is the difference between these two R...
04 December 2022 786 2 View