18 Questions 38 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohammad Amiri
I want to rotate a grayscale 2D-image into depth (so functions likeimrotate don't help). It is not a 3D object, however, so I also cannotuse the viewpoint changing functions of Matlab.
07 July 2015 8,333 0 View
As a part of my project I have to use blitz++ library in c++. but as I don't know how can i install blitz++ in windows.I don't have Linux and have to work in windows.
05 May 2015 2,281 2 View
I am using a 2 layers (one hidden layer ) Neural Networks based classifier to run a classification for my data (images) and use back propagation algorithm. the networks works well and can...
02 February 2015 1,301 14 View
We have an artificial neural network to detect patterns in input. training the system to learn specific pattern when the position of pattern is constant is easy and it can be done by feed forward...
12 December 2014 2,760 7 View
I am using neural network for medical image classification.(two class: patient and control ). The problem is that train error is very low and it can classify training data with 90% accuracy but...
10 October 2014 9,873 7 View
Is there any algorithms which can detect the pattern in any place of input signal ?
09 September 2014 6,099 6 View
Suppose that we have a random vector X (with m random variable) and Y(with n random variable). and Y=W.X (single layer neural network). I'm going to minimize the KL divergence between X and Y by...
08 August 2014 2,183 2 View
I have a neural network which can classify gray images and now I want to use it to classify color ones. How can I do it? In my previous network if the output was more than 0.5 the image was a...
08 August 2014 8,957 6 View
02 February 2014 3,530 4 View
I want to know if any newer feature extractor in machine vision was published after David G.Lowe in 2004? Is there any shift and scale invariant feature extractor for object recognition?
02 February 2014 5,426 2 View
I am searching unsupervised method feature or corner detection in image.
01 January 2014 9,147 5 View
If x1,x2, .. Xn be random variable with density function of fxi(xi) and y=w1*x1+w2*x2+...+wn*xn which wi are constant value. What is fy(y)? Can we calculate it directly? If not how about an...
12 December 2013 9,571 6 View
I'm using the feed forward neural network with 100 inputs and 10 units in hidden layer and one output neural net. I train the network several times using the same input training data and the same...
12 December 2013 8,705 6 View
I'm using the feedforward neural network with 100 inputs and 10 units in hidden layer and one output neural network. I train the network several times using the same input training data and the...
12 December 2013 4,165 6 View
Suppose that x is random variable and we know density function fx(x). We have two functions of x . Y=g(x) and z=h(x) .so y and z are not independent . What is joint distribution of y and z ?...
10 October 2013 7,705 18 View
I am searching a paper about object recognition methods in animals. My field is robot vision and I want to get some idea about object recognition in animals or human.
10 October 2013 5,632 9 View
We have an image database and we want to do object recognition algorithm by neural network. For this we need to divide the image to some path and then extract patch to feature extraction. What is...
10 October 2013 4,302 4 View
We have a new algorithm for object recognition with neural network . If there is any error, how can we know whether the error is in the code or in the algorithm . We want to test with 100000...
09 September 2013 9,296 1 View