6 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mina Farhan
If I have a transfer function H(s) = C*(sI-A)^-1*B + D. Does the matrix D has to be positive definite in order for the transfer function be positive definite thus passive? my assumption is that...
12 December 2018 8,893 3 View
I have a dynamic Linear system defined using the state-space equations dx/dt = Ax(t) + Bu(t). 1- What are the conditions for the system to be ergodic? If the system is ergodic and we assume that...
06 June 2018 7,023 0 View
Coherent sampling is achieved by finding $M_cycles$ and $N_samples$ which satisfy the following equation. fin/fs = Mcycles / Nsamples where fin is the input frequency, fs is the sampling...
04 April 2017 5,529 1 View
If we want to compute Svd of matrix A we can use QR as follows A=Q*R= Q*U*S*V, where [U,S,V]= qr(R). However this algorithm requires calculating the Full Q and R matrices. For very large matrices...
10 October 2016 8,908 6 View
I am trying to find if there is a mathematical formula that can, for example, convert a function f(x,y) to f(r) such that f(x0,y0) = f(r0) and f(x+a,y+a) = f(r+a). Thanks.
11 November 2014 9,086 13 View
Is there any documentation some where that talks about the algorithm used to control the step size of the Matlab Ode solvers? How do they calculate the truncation error how do they change the step...
08 August 2014 1,522 3 View