13 Questions 53 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Michael Nordine
In reporting systemic vascular resistance measurements, one can use mmHg/min/L, dyn/sec/cm5, or pascals per second/cm2. Is there a general consensus from the field of applied physiology or medical...
09 September 2017 2,051 4 View
I have Sp02% and Fi02%, and I want to calculate a Pa02/Fi02 quotient. Is it possible to calculate a Pa02 from Sp02%? If yes, does anyone have any reliable formulas?
01 January 2015 8,434 19 View
We can calculate a heart rate maximum for humans using the equation 220-years of age. However, is there a systemic vascular resistance maximum for humans in either absolute or percentage?
01 January 2015 6,527 4 View
A common problem encountered while performing water immersion research, is that water is not friendly to monitoring equipment such as EKG, heart rate, blood pressure, Sp02% etc. What methods of...
12 December 2014 7,801 7 View
My question is this: Say someone submitted an abstract for a congress, which was later selected for publication. On this submitted abstract, there were only 3 co-authors. In order to transform...
11 November 2014 4,960 0 View
Has anyone any experience/advice for measuring central/distal hemoglobin via NIRS (NIRO-200, Hamamatsu Photonics) during water immersion? Will the electrodes function underwater? Will immersion...
10 October 2014 3,577 17 View
Besides the well known, shock index, are there any other commonly used clincal indices for the assessment of shock, particulalry hypovolemic/hemmorrhagic shock? If so, how are they calculated, and...
09 September 2014 296 9 View
Does anyone have any article recommendations that describe the distribution of autonomic nerve fibers, particularly sympathetic fibers, in the peripheral limbs? And as a further question, are...
07 July 2014 9,933 7 View
If one performs a pearson correlation test with the removal of outliers, the probability of sig. correlations increases. However, how does one report this? Does one report that the test with...
06 June 2014 7,961 12 View
While recording skin temperatures from the medial anterior thigh/upper arm, increases in skin temperature were associated with orthostatic instability during LBNP exposure. How much pooled blood...
04 April 2014 8,153 19 View
Also, aside form being a major organ system in serum immunology, as well as a storage room of thrombocytes, does the spleen have the capacity to provide extra volume and/or erythrocytes to the...
01 January 2014 5,572 10 View
It would be interesting to know if other species are prone to Diabetes Typ 1 for example.
01 January 2014 7,624 4 View
Hello, I am looking to verify if a -20/-40 mmHg LBNP load is equivalent to +1/+2Gz stimulus in an SAHC in humans. I assume this is correct, however I am looking for any data which would validate...
01 January 1970 6,467 2 View