4 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mehdi Hamid
I know that shear bands cause fracture and strain localization. I am looking for a detailed explanation of the role of shear bands on mechanical performance of microstructures especially in FCC...
11 November 2018 7,050 6 View
I know there are some papers talking about the results coming from interfacing VPSC with different finite element commercial software like ABAQUES, mainly done by Ricardo Lebensohn from LANL . But...
12 December 2017 6,772 1 View
I know EBSD gives us Euler angles for a polycrystalline material, but I am wondering if there is any statistical way to calculate Euler angles from SEM images.
07 July 2017 4,173 4 View
I know in 2-D, there are five degree of freedom for a grain boundary, therefore there should be a 5by5 rotation matrix for it. Determining this 5*5 matrix is my target. Thanks
04 April 2016 5,769 5 View