6 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Md Muhibbullah
It is well known that light is transverse wave and the angle between the electric field and magnetic field is 90 degree for all light. However the phase difference between the fields has been...
20 November 2017 1,010 4 View
A semiconductor can absorb photons with the energy of its band gap in a solar cell. Photons with lower energy than the band gap of the devices are not absorbed. Solar radiation contains a broad...
11 July 2015 994 3 View
I am studying on the actual nature of light. The electron emission is related with the nature of light. If any experience researcher (Full Professor) wish to guide me on this (actual nature of...
17 February 2015 5,030 3 View
If we consider the light is particle then the energy equation is E = nh (new). Here n is number of the photon, (new) is frequency of the photon and h is minimum energy of the photon (Plank’s...
10 February 2015 3,839 11 View
In the solar cell the static electric field keeps main role to generate the (photo) voltage. The static electric field is been produced by carriers (electrons) transporting from one side to other...
21 January 2015 2,903 7 View
I am working on the field of the solar cells. It is important to improve the carrier mobility for this case.
19 December 2014 7,791 8 View