6 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Md. Dulal Hosen
Some of the fugure are attached in this question. I want to know some software to draw figure as like as the picture attached. Also for graph drawing software if any without SPSS. Some figure...
07 October 2020 8,196 6 View
I want to know about some journal which publication has no Fees in Springer or Elsevier in related to Textile Engineering or Others .
23 September 2020 1,072 11 View
PPE is basically the Personal Protection Equipments.
24 March 2020 9,202 0 View
Five Simple Tips to Increase Your Citation Number Write a strong and persuasive article. Submit your manuscript to the most respected appropriate journal. Write an effective title. Write a clear...
01 January 1970 5,604 2 View
Need to know Some Good journal related to Textile or natural dyes related journal which has no publication charges.
01 January 1970 8,632 5 View
I worked through a year and find a new natural fibre which is basically not in the list of textile fibre. Now, i want to develop and work on it for final finishing. Hope it will give us a new one...
01 January 1970 6,982 4 View