9 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Maryam Kiabod
hello, I have a question about the the relationship between the node degree and the shortest paths in the graph. can we say that most of the shortest paths in the graph pass through the nodes with...
12 December 2017 7,556 6 View
hello, I have a question about graph theory. I want to change a graph ,such that there are at least k vertices with the same degree in it. it means that there is no vertex with unique degree in...
11 November 2017 4,863 12 View
hello, i wander what is the difference between variation of information (VI) metric and the normalized mutual information (NMI) ,and the split join distance metric to compute the distance...
10 October 2017 7,268 0 View
hello, i want to know about the relationship between average clustering coefficient of the graph and community detection. can we say that average clustering of the graph reflects the community...
10 October 2017 4,518 1 View
hello researchers, I am using igraph library to work on a graph data set and I want to compute the average clustering coefficient of the graph. I think the ...
07 July 2017 8,342 0 View
hi, I read some articles about calculating privacy scores of users in social network(e.g a framework for computing the privacy scores of users in online social networks, kun liu and evimaria...
05 May 2017 7,058 2 View
hello, I wrote a program that works on a graph containing 36692 nodes.The program should find all the shortest path in a graph between each pair of nodes. the graph is undirected and unweighted...
03 March 2017 1,443 4 View
hi, I am testing my method by foursquare dataset: https://archive.org/details/201309_foursquare_dataset_umn. I don not know why in some cases there are several rating for one item. I mean, a...
09 September 2016 7,019 5 View
Hi everybody, I know that most of the IEEE transactions journal have a paper size limit and the papers with page over this limit have a mandatory page charge. Does anyone knows an IEEE journal...
01 January 1970 3,796 1 View