8 Questions 1 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mario Valentino Nara
I am working on my undergraduate thesis. I am using a paper that I attached below. When I solving a polynomial with (n-1) degree from a falling factorial, the paper use this...
12 December 2014 9,567 0 View
I found an approximation in falling factorial. It says that: (a)n-1=a(a-1)(a-2)...(a-n+2) approximate to [a-(n-2)/2]n-1. Can someone tell me how to derive the approximation?
12 December 2014 1,805 4 View
I have a sample X1, X2,..., Xn that drawn from uniformly distributed population. The sample drawn without replacement. Since it depends each other (which is not i.i.d), the joint pdf is not the...
11 November 2014 2,413 4 View
Summation of p.d.f. from any discrete distribution are always 1, where its fulfill the law of a probability. But when we have a discrete uniform distribution with infinite parameter space. Does...
10 October 2014 1,366 5 View
I have a problem which is Serial Numbered Population (SNP) problem. I want to estimate the size (N) of SNP with a sample of size n. The sample are x1,x2,,...,xn. It says that we will use...
09 September 2014 4,729 4 View
I actually had a specific problem. The problem is SNP (Serial Numbered Population) Problem, where we only have exactly 1 sample to be used in Bayesian method. The truth is I'm not sure why do we...
09 September 2014 9,931 1 View
I need a good reason why improper uniform prior could be use as a prior in Serial Numbered Population (SNP) problem. Or maybe someone can tell me about improper uniform prior itself. An pdf link...
08 August 2014 9,322 5 View
Improper distribution is the distribution which doesn't integrate to 1. For example, Improper Uniform Prior Distribution for all positive integers. This distribution integrate to infinity. Is it...
08 August 2014 2,913 1 View