5 Questions 106 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Maria V. Kozlova
Dear colleagues, I'm asking for guidance about the software for S2 image processing due to its file format and the structure of metadata. Thank you in advance, Maria
05 May 2016 588 7 View
Dear colleagues, I'm working with Grass Gis 6.4.4. and learning with 7.0 (GUI interface). I calculate TOA-reflectance with i.landsat.toar module. But some time I launch the module, the following...
04 April 2015 536 3 View
Dear colleagues, I study plant cover dynamics and I work with Landsat 1-8 images always preferring to overcome all images that have low sun elevation angles in its metadata. But there are some...
03 March 2015 8,433 18 View
I study plant ecosystem dynamics using Landsat images in my work. One of the useful indices is GVI. I know it can be counted for Landsat 8 images but don't know how. Can anyone help me?
01 January 2015 2,357 4 View
Dear colleagues! I've just srarted to learn with a software Grass Gis 6.4.4. This soft provide applying of 6S algorithm of atmospheric correction. But the module i.landsat.toar (used before...
01 January 2015 9,883 18 View