8 Questions 41 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Maria Magro
Hello, I would like to see what your opinion is on how one decides if a C 1s peak or O 1s peak are fitted correctly, i.e. with the correct choice of backgrounds and line-shapes. I know that with...
04 August 2020 3,144 13 View
Hi, I would like to calibrate the energy scales of our XPS system, and would like to receive recommendations of suppliers that sell highly pure Ag, Au and Cu foils (thickness greater than 20...
17 February 2020 4,967 5 View
I tried do an XPS scan of a silicon wafer covered with gold, however, the spectrum does not show any gold peaks. I tried to vary several parameters, including Epass, sample position, and even...
23 January 2019 9,000 6 View
Is it possible to spin coat a Silicon wafer with a suspension of graphene or graphene oxide to carry out XPS, AFM, and SEM characterisations? Are there any protocols that show the ideal rpm value...
02 July 2018 5,289 8 View
What is the best substrate for the XPS characterisation of graphene and graphene oxide? I will be using mostly the Al Ka radiation (hm = 1486.6 eV) to irradiate the samples, however not limited...
04 May 2018 5,416 3 View
Hi, I am trying to extract and identify the composition of essential oils from hemp inflorescences. I have to run an alkane mixture, but the one available at the lab is from C16-C40. Do you...
21 July 2015 8,484 14 View
I am using acetone and heptane for separate soxhlet extractions, then evaporate the solvent under vacuum. However, once evaporation is complete I can still detect the solvent smell, so it is...
01 June 2015 2,344 7 View
Any XPS experts here can recommend from where I can buy and get hold of a copy of High Resolution XPS of Organic Polymers the Scientia ESCA300 Database of G. Beamson and D. Briggs (Wiley,...
01 January 1970 525 9 View