3 Questions 128 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Marcel Van de Vel
Let two positive integers n and m be given. How many pairs of integers (x,y) can one find in the range 1..n such that (i) all x's are different, (ii) all y's are different, (iii) all x+y's are...
05 May 2016 1,636 15 View
If n objects are to be permuted, this can be done in n! different ways. One finds several algorithms on the internet producing tables of permutationswith fancy properties. I once found a fast...
02 February 2016 6,533 5 View
Suppose given an m-sequence M over a field Fq of size q (a prime power) and of order s. In other words: there is a primitive polynomial f(x) of degree s over Fq serving as the characteristic...
10 October 2015 7,018 6 View