4 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Manoj Sithara
Compute nontrivial zeros of Riemann zeta function is an algebraically complex task. However, if someone able to prove such an iterative formula can be used to get all approximate nontrivial using...
13 September 2019 5,817 1 View
Most of computational method of nontrivial zeros may approximate to actual . However is there is any method to check the accuracy of nontrivial computation?
23 August 2019 3,442 2 View
(1) How can we find the partial sum of n1000 instantly ? (2) is there is a simple method to find partial sum of the sequence f(n) ? (3) Any general method to compute...
07 May 2017 7,431 3 View
Since gravity is nice fit with Einstein space time structure explain by Rij-1/2gijR = -8piGM/C4Tij +Aij ,then why chant we use that to explain all electrical forces
01 January 1970 7,307 6 View