8 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Manas Ranjan Prusty
The AUC value lies between 0.5 to 1 where 0.5 denotes a bad classifer and 1 denotes an excellent classifier. Is there any quantitative value for the AUC in order to segregate the quality of a...
20 May 2015 8,352 13 View
Does the inputs and the neurons in a single hidden layer have any relation with the multiclass single output. For example, I have labels for a multiclass output ranging from 1-9 along with 3 input...
06 April 2015 2,342 7 View
It is said that we should go for a ten times ten-fold cross validation. What does this mean and how is this done? What is the actual need of doing so?
07 January 2015 3,941 8 View
In-built packages are available in MATLAB for support vector machine and neural networks implementation. How can I analyze and test data sets? Can I use these packages or do I have to write...
07 January 2015 4,389 7 View
Is there any exact number of variables that can be handled properly (rule base and membership functions) as input variables to a fuzzy inference system. I have been able to handle maximum 4 input...
10 November 2014 1,176 3 View
I would like to explain this question with an example. It is bit lengthy but please bear with me. Let say, I have 3 events and each have a specific trend of time dependent data for a particular...
28 October 2014 2,399 1 View
I aim at solving a classification problem using two-layered neural network with back propagation algorithm. Will my accuracy increase if I increase the no of neurons in the hidden layer of this...
17 September 2014 9,219 5 View
I am having some events which are time dependent. For example, a malfunctioning of a component caused substantial change in some parameters and that may lead to another event after a certain...
07 February 2014 4,181 2 View