4 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Manal Alwahsh
this statement is included in the log file when I do frequency calculations by gaussian 09 this warning can be neglected ?????what this mean about the accuracy of enthalpy and other parameter...
23 December 2014 1,631 1 View
I performed calculation using Gaussian to obtain the fluorescence emission of some organic molecules. The following lines are the data of the optimized singlet state geometry. why does the first...
01 January 1970 5,095 2 View
I want to do NBO analysis for a molecule in the excited state [the first singlet state]. I used the following command line, #P td rb3lyp/ 6-311g Cis=(read, root= 1) pop=nboread but the job crash...
01 January 1970 7,087 3 View
From you experience, which DFT method and basis sets are recommended for organic molecules optimization using Gaussian and provide a trusted energy and proprieties ( e.g UV-vis spectra)
01 January 1970 4,207 4 View