11 Questions 18 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mahyar Masoudi
Today's cities are most likely to have rugged landscapes comprising high-rises and hilly areas. I am not sure how valid the remotely-sensed land surface temperature when not corrected for...
05 May 2018 3,612 2 View
I have been told by a couple of friends that their institutions require their staff to teach out-of-field; courses they are not qualified to teach. What are the pros and cons of this approach, and...
11 November 2017 7,655 20 View
I have estimated land surface temperature (LST) to investigate the cooling effects of vegetation including tree cover over an area. However, I am wondering if what captures by LST only represents...
11 November 2017 976 5 View
I am drafting an article. I have a statement that I was hoping to get some suggestions on appropriate citations. Evapotranspiration rate is dependent on tree species as well as the rate of...
07 July 2017 7,878 4 View
I am beginning to explore how land surface temperature is used in weather forecast models. However, as beginner in the field, have no idea of where to start. Any advice on basic references on this...
06 June 2017 4,146 4 View
The direction of the relationship between an independent and dependent variable was found as positive as measured by Pearson correlation as well as linear regression when no other independent was...
10 October 2016 7,829 12 View
I have a dataset with a total of 103 cases. There are three distinct values for my dependent variable each of which having different size, i.e. 43, 42, and 18. I am using SPSS to classify my data...
03 March 2016 8,526 1 View
I am dealing with Landsat imageries. I am using ENVI for deriving my land cover. Water bodies are not among my features of interest and I need to identify them in order to mask them out from my...
02 February 2016 5,316 9 View
There are different types of impervious surface in almost many of urban landscapes. Asphalt, tile roof, concrete roof, to name a few, each of which exhibit different spectrum. As with impervious...
02 February 2016 8,040 4 View
I am looking at temporal changes in the vegetation cover in an area and aiming to examine these changes against several potential drivers. I have 6 points in time for my temporal studies and am...
06 June 2015 10,035 9 View
I do not have enough funding to purchase software specifically designed for image processing like ENVI and ERDAS Imagine. Alternatively I am seeking a way to make use my ArcMap 10.1, even though I...
07 July 2014 9,186 6 View