16 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Lukasz Dominik Kaczmarek
I want to test the strength of a simple correlation in two groups and see whether there is a difference between these groups. Fisher's z-test is generally recommended, but I wonder whether there...
06 February 2023 7,934 3 View
Dear Colleagues, Below I copy a call for help in our meta-analytical work. In brief, if you have any data (published or unpublished) that is not on the list of paper below, please let us know!...
15 September 2021 4,116 3 View
Hi! I noticed that mPlus offers two alternative approaches to modeling when the measurements are not independent. One approach is multilevel modelling (TYPE=TWOLEVEL) and the other is complex and...
14 November 2018 6,679 7 View
Hello. In structural equation modeling (SEM) or path analysis, the most important test for fit is the p value. Some argue that in fact this is the ONLY true test of fit. As the p-value is very...
07 November 2018 559 5 View
I am looking for a database that offers portraits of children that we would like to use in a research. Any information or resources would be most welcome!
15 February 2018 8,906 6 View
We analyse the respiration trace from a respiratory belt in a study on emotions. We want to calculate the average respiratory rate across a given block (1 minute). An automated analysis with...
01 February 2017 1,766 2 View
We would like to analyze data from Google Scholar - My Citations section where academic data is provided - such as citations, nr of published works, etc. For this reason we need to draw a...
09 June 2016 6,716 4 View
I would greatly appreciate any information about software that can be used to assess facial physical attractivenss in photos. Thank you!
04 June 2016 8,683 4 View
Does anyone know a good software that you can use to develop psychological experiments that are run on a smartphone? Thank you!
12 December 2015 4,732 6 View
Hi! We would like to present a series of affective pictures. What is the best time interval between two pictures so that we might analyze skin conductance responses in the right way? We would like...
27 November 2015 3,398 9 View
We have observed a large noise increase in facial EMG recording when skin conductance electrodes (GSR) are applied. This seems to be caused by the fact that GSR amplifier produces currents that...
22 January 2015 4,196 3 View
I am looking for a sample of physiological data with ECG and Impedance Cardiography recordings (dZ/dt) suitable to calculate pre-ejection period in human subjects. I would greatly appraciate if...
28 May 2014 294 5 View
Each participant self-recruits and completes a survey at Time 1. Then the software sends him/her an e-mail with the second survey one week later (relative to the time of their first survey), then...
27 April 2014 3,701 3 View
Suppose I have three predictors A, B, and C. I introduce A and B in the first block, and both are significant. Then I introduce C in the second block. C is significant but A and B are no longer...
30 March 2014 2,601 96 View
Imagine an experiment on emotions with a participant sitting at a computer desk watching video clips that induce emotions. This person keeps his/her feet on a wii balance board that allows to...
14 January 2014 648 3 View
The stimuli are movie clips inducing emotions. Ideally, if this measure allowed for quantification and integration with other physiological signals. I would ambrace any suggestion you have. The...
04 December 2013 4,649 3 View