4 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Lucas Silva
I have made a test to investigated: I measured the potential in mV of a standard +220mV solution using my pHmeter which gives a mV value with the pH. The result was +9mV. But this was the result...
07 October 2020 7,401 3 View
In a gas mixture, if I want to model and simulate an adsorption isotherm (Langmuir, Toth or any other) of one component, I should use the total pressure or the partial pressure (by Dalton's law =...
14 December 2019 9,234 8 View
In solver theory guide the continuity equation is set to be equal to 0, but in some papers related to the phenomena I want to model, the continuity equation is set to be equal to a mass source term.
09 September 2019 9,271 7 View
I want to use caffeine in a research, but I need to know if it is a primary standard or if I have to standardize it.
28 November 2017 1,665 3 View