8 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Lorenzo Ardito
Let's suppose that I want to regress A over B and B over C using SEM. Is it possible to also add the variable A square to see whether A has a curvilinear effect on B? Thank you
22 December 2015 2,821 2 View
I run a random-effects negative binomial regression. Using estimates of the regression, I would like to plot the effect of my independent variable (GeoDispersion) on my dependent variable...
11 November 2015 2,612 6 View
I am attempting to measure if a company introduces a product based on its own inventions using trademark data. In other words, I aim to assess if a firm that has patented technologies in the green...
04 June 2015 4,973 21 View
I need to calcute a variable taking into accont the age of a Technology Class. Following Shane (2001), it can be measured as the number of years since thethree-digit patent class was established...
24 October 2014 6,351 1 View
As you know CIS is a valuable source of information for innovation studies. However, it doesn't provide data about US companies. Therefore, I would like to know whether similar data are also...
13 March 2014 416 3 View
Trademark documents present different "dates", filing date, registration date, priority date, first use in commerce, etc. Can someone explain at which type of "managerial" event each date might be...
07 March 2014 4,819 3 View
I would like to know if the the patent number is assigned in chronological order with respect to the issue date. A reference would be really useful.
30 October 2013 2,883 2 View
I would like to start a study focusing on the relationships between technologies and products developed by a company.
07 September 2012 8,284 2 View