5 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Logambiga Prakash
I want to do QC for nanopore sequence, which is in fast5 format. I used poretools for doing QC, but I couldn't understand the qualdist result file. Can anyone explain me how to interpret qualdist...
02 February 2015 4,401 1 View
I want to identify CNV in tumor sample sequenced using exome sequencing. Most of the CNV tools support only with control sample. Kindly suggest me a tool for identifying CNV's for exome sequencing...
05 May 2014 8,738 5 View
I'm searching for INDELs in exome sequencing data. I used SAMtools Mpileup, Freebayes and GATK. There is no consistency in the result. Which among them is most reliable or is there any other...
02 February 2014 9,763 6 View
I am working on Illumina MiSeq sequence data. When I did quality analysis using FastQC it showed 97% of them are PCR duplicates. I went through FastQC documents, they say if the start and end...
11 November 2013 3,574 2 View
I have a sequence from ion torrent. I have assembled them using CLC workbench. I want to calculate the assembly error rate. Can any one suggest to me how to calculate the assembly error rate? And...
08 August 2013 6,058 2 View