10 Questions 18 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Lebohang Macheli
How can I determine the adsorption strength or Heat of absorption of CO on a metal from FTIR data.
03 March 2016 4,259 4 View
I have prepared an oxide of different structures (e.g. nanocubes, nanobelt, rods, etc.) using different preparation techniques. I want to modify the surface of these materials with silanes. The...
11 November 2015 793 3 View
Which form of carbon support could be best for support Co3O4 nanoparticle? What are the best ways to activate the carbon support if need be
10 October 2015 2,397 3 View
I have carried out a hydrogen chemisorption experiment and have determined, from the linearized Langmuir isotherm, the volume of hydrogen required for mono layer coverage (i.e 5.5 ml/g). How do I...
01 January 2014 630 8 View
1. If I have a sample of a nanosized material and modify its surface with some ligands [e.g. Ti(OCH2CH2CH3)4] and do EDS on the modified sample, is the elemental ratio correspond the ratio of...
08 August 2013 8,840 11 View
How can Activation Energy be calculated from a TPR profile data of a sample treated at constant heating rate. Does a shift in a TPR peak imply change in activation energy if the shift occurs at...
06 June 2013 7,935 10 View
I have Co3O4 nanoparticles and would like to disperse them on SiC. I have tried doing so in various solvents such as water, dilute HNO3 ethanol and I have obtain poor dispersion. Can anyone...
06 June 2013 2,711 5 View
I have synthesized Co3O4 in the presence of SDS and would like to know a simple method to remove it from my nanoparticles?
04 April 2013 4,537 43 View
At what region of the IR spectrum can I find the Co-O-Si bands? How strong are the bands?
12 December 2012 7,292 3 View
I would like to know if the Co3O4 surface could be hydroxylated?
11 November 2012 1,433 2 View