13 Questions 28 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kushneel Avneet Prakash
I have monthly fuel price data over 16 years for 6 states in a country. I want to find its effect on my dependent variable. When running regressions, I am controlling for state FE but am confused...
15 April 2019 2,629 2 View
Dear learned researchers, I am trying to figure out a way to find some measures of volatility in fuel price using monthly level data. My observations are also at monthly level so need a measure...
12 April 2019 9,162 4 View
I am working on a project linking parental homeownership to happiness score of their children and trying to figure out economic reasons whether to treat parental homeownership as endogenous or...
06 September 2018 8,864 3 View
Hi I have two issues when dealing with factor analysis. 1. It is possible to do factor analysis on questions measured on different scales. for example, one question measured on a scale of 0-10...
04 June 2018 9,080 3 View
Hi, I am trying to combine parent data information to their children file. 1. I have one dta file for Children information and another for their parents who are in the separate data file. The...
20 April 2018 1,608 4 View
Looking for thoughts into this idea. Can parents owning house influence how their children subjectively view their life satisfaction or rate their happiness index. Does it have an impact? If yes,...
05 April 2018 2,715 6 View
Dear learned scholars, I am trying to estimate the effect of parents homeownership on academic performance of their children between 8-13 years old. Meaning does parents having legal property...
05 April 2018 3,824 3 View
I have 5 different questions in survey data which is used to measure degree of individuals risk-taking behaviour. I need to use all these information to find my Y-variable (capturing risk...
26 February 2018 3,361 2 View
Hi, I am trying to merge parent work data with their children. The file named 'parent work data' has all adult ID who are working or not. The second file 'child with parent data' has information...
17 January 2018 7,861 2 View
What is the purpose of the AR Roots graph in Eviews when dealing with VECM?
16 June 2014 2,384 7 View
Need suggestion on Eviews 8 and running VECM in it. For instance, in a bi-variate model, both the variables [example, LY and LKPC ; where LY is output and LKPC is capital per worker. Both are...
13 May 2014 204 6 View
I have read in many papers that remittances can lead to domestic currency appreciation. However, I am more interested if someone can point out balanced theories and arguments of how inflow of...
17 December 2013 6,564 1 View
What regression model/method should I use if I want to test the relationship of money supply and oil price on consumer price levels and then estimate how price level and exchange rate movements...
29 November 2012 5,070 22 View