10 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Krishnapriya G B
Hello there, I have attached the assembly language code for your reference. In the first picture, you can see that I am encountering a compilation error while attempting to directly load an...
12 February 2024 3,106 2 View
Dear all I have been reading about analytical wavelet and came across this definition of it "An analytic wavelet is a complex wavelet such that its Fourier transform is null for negative...
20 July 2023 1,157 0 View
I was trying to decompose an EMG signal, which was sampled at 200 Hz, into 7 levels of decomposition using DWT. And the result is shown in the figure( only upto d3 is shown here) However I would...
14 July 2023 10,014 2 View
I have a doubt regarding the following picture. Here the first figure shows different frequency analog signals sampled at different frequencies leading to same digital signals,which I assume is...
15 May 2023 9,348 0 View
I have been trying to get realtime ecg data from arduino using matlab. I am able to visualise the real time data using this code. Here the issue is I cannot get the filtered output at the same...
09 May 2023 3,909 10 View
I have a doubt regarding wavelet transform. If we have power constraints while making an algorithm , is it advisable to go with time domain features, or frequency domain features. Will Wavelet...
08 May 2023 8,597 1 View
was trying plot the pole zero plot of a transfer function.And used the code H=pzplot(t1) for the same and got the output like Figure 1 But I wanted an answer like Figure 2 ,with names and...
01 February 2023 9,485 4 View
I came across this term while learning about the pan-tompkins algorithm for QRS complex detection in ECG signal. It would be helpful if I could get some knowledge about 5 point derivative and also...
30 January 2023 450 0 View
It would be really helpful if someone could share some information regarding this and also some resources which could help me understand the above things much better. Thank you
23 January 2023 3,793 7 View
why can't the passive elements shift the dc potential to some frequency that the input signal contains? Thank You
27 March 2022 836 13 View