8 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Konrad Burnik
I am trying to implement a machine learning algorithm that classifies some situations using text messages in log files and in database tables which reside on multiple servers. These messages are...
28 April 2014 6,590 6 View
Consider solving the following system for unknowns A1, A2, B, D, G: w = 2 B^2 + D^2; z = A1 B + A2 B + G D; y = 2 A1 A2 + G^2; x = A1^2 + A2^2 + G^2; a2 A1 + a2 A2 + a G = x2 B + x4 B + x3...
28 January 2013 3,933 9 View
Can you suggest some (real-life) applications of Computable Analysis? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computable_analysis Why don't we just use classical analysis?
06 July 2012 3,190 4 View
What are more recent methods and publications for this ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_rot
23 January 2012 932 1 View
What are the isometries of the Hilbert Cube I^\infty = the set of all sequences (x_i) such that x_i \in [0, 1] endowed with the metric d((x_i), (y_i)) = \sum_{i=0}^\infty 2^{-i} |x_i - y_i| ?
21 November 2011 1,251 3 View
I'm interested in a simple explanation of the Van Kampen theorem. What would be a "toy example" for applying it?
19 September 2011 4,757 2 View
Once you understand what PvsNP problem is actually all about, you might as well try and solve it. In loose terms, the P vs. NP problem actually seeks an answer to this simply stated...
15 September 2011 2,990 1 View
The symbols we use in mathematics to form equations are just an aid in clearly forming an argument and communicationg it to others. We are clearly restricted when we use this formal language. If...
13 September 2011 1,532 3 View