3 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kesavan Ekambaram
Dear Friends, I would like to perform the dihedral angle calculation of particular residue over the period of simulation time. Could you please help me out in creating the ndx file using make_ndx...
20 March 2018 2,435 3 View
Dear All, Im trying to compute the PIEDA for the receptor-ligand residues using the FMO calculation. Could you help me in providing the steps to create the input put file for running the...
11 November 2017 300 2 View
I'm trying to find out the binding affinity between the host-guest complex using Mopac. I have only the complexed and uncomplexed files. It would be helpful if someone could explain me with the...
17 June 2017 2,066 3 View