9 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kelvin John Anjos
Let Z denote the set of all integers, and let G be a finite cyclic Group. For every ZG-module A, and n=1,2,3... Show that: Hn(G,A) is isomorphic to Hn+1(G,A).
12 December 2018 5,308 3 View
The problem is: Let Z denote the set of all integers. Consider Z/nZ = Zn as trivial G-module. Show that there is a isomorphism between the First Homology Group H1(G, Zn) and the factor...
12 December 2018 1,277 3 View
Given a1, a2, ..., an positive real numbers, and defined pk = ak \prod { i = 1 to n, i k} [(ai)2 - (ak)2] how to prove that \sum \frac{1}{pi} is positive? I had an idea of proof, but not...
08 August 2017 9,761 6 View
Let R be a commutative ring with unity. Given two algebras A and A' over a field K, both with R-grading form. Prove that B:= A \otimes_R A' (the tensor product of A and A') has a R²-grading. Any...
08 August 2017 4,710 3 View
I was interested in listing all the possible integer solutions to f(n/10)-f(n/11) = 1 (eq1) Where f(x)=floor(x) is the floor function, relating each real number x to the greatest...
07 July 2017 3,209 5 View
What would be the main importance you see on the study of Artinian/Noetherian Modules?
03 March 2016 7,443 7 View
I've read some articles, and see free representations and some aspects detailed on the relations between Matroids and Modules. Would like to receive advices about readings and more materials about...
10 October 2015 9,184 2 View
I is an injective module S is submodule of I E is a maximal essential extension of A
10 October 2015 3,839 0 View
Knowing that R is a semisimple ring as a left R-module.
09 September 2015 6,216 0 View