13 Questions 50 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kedharnath Arumugakani
During MD tensile simulation, the stress values rise upto some GPa (high stress value). I think it is because of the following reasons: 1. System is almost defect free or only with few defects...
08 August 2018 9,578 12 View
In non magnetic materials, is the lowest energy configuration and not SIA dumbbell. But, in bcc Iron dumbbell is the lowest energy configuration. What makes...
08 August 2018 5,222 3 View
I'm interested in calculating the diffusion coefficient of self interstitial atom in iron system at 800 K. I got a plot like (attached) this 'MSD vs time' using LAMMPS. The slope (diffusion...
09 September 2017 1,809 24 View
Why is the Ductile Brittle Transition Temperature of many metals are not available ? I was trying to find the DBTT data for silver and was shocked to know the lack of these data.
01 January 1970 6,498 1 View
Amorphous crystal
01 January 1970 761 26 View
There are many potentials for Fe BCC. But, What potential should be used for BCC iron for studying dislocation - crack - grain boundaries interaction using molecular dynamics simulation ?
01 January 1970 3,560 6 View
In most of the atomistic simulations, symmetric (asymmetric) tilt grain boundaries are studied. Is there any relationship with the GBs in the real world.
01 January 1970 7,673 6 View
what does it mean - "Fe sigma 3" symmetric tilt grain boundary ? I know about sigma. What is the plane and direction of the two grains and grain boundary ?
01 January 1970 6,071 7 View
Which symmetry operator is a must to all crystal structures and bravais lattices?
01 January 1970 4,212 1 View
Cerium and Magnesium addition are done duirng casting in GCI so that after heat treatment GCI is converted to SGI. How Mg and Ce are contributing to this change?
01 January 1970 5,284 10 View
FCC has 3 fold symmetry but BCT doesn't. So why should we draw a BCT inside a FCC and name it as martensite. A reverse can also be done where we can draw BCT and they get a FCC out of it. If so in...
01 January 1970 9,826 13 View
For metals like steel we a draw a line parallel to stress-strain curve at 0.2% strain. But in metals like copper the stress strain curve within the elastic limit is not linear and is merely...
01 January 1970 4,852 2 View
Diffusionless implies atoms have not moved. Then how come shear in this transformation of steel?
01 January 1970 899 3 View