5 Questions 108 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Karl G. Kreuzer
Dear Richard, Why do you call the alleged circulating object 'indside' the electron a "photon"? If an alleged kinematical or dynamical process inside some physical system far below the scale...
08 August 2018 5,199 0 View
Do we really understand the notion of 'position', even in the case of an 'extended particle' which is charaterized by a mass density m_0 (or energy density T_00) as well as charge density j_0...
13 March 2016 8,050 9 View
According to the standard model a neutron is considered as a compound system of three quarks udd, and the antineutron as a compound system of the corresponding antiquarks. Suppose (1) that any...
02 March 2016 6,048 17 View
In the case of diffraction of photons by an edge it can be shown simply by means of classical relativistic mechanics that the assumption of quantized angular momentum leads to a diffraction...
01 January 1970 2,693 34 View
If we assume, contrary to the traditional belief of physicists, that (1) a neutron is a bound system of proton + electron + anti-neutrino and (2) an atomic nucleus contains anti-neutrons instead...
01 January 1970 9,927 3 View